I thought this wine would shut out my taste buds, but it put THAT opinion in the penalty box!
There's no game seven with this wine, It sweeps with flavor!
After drinking this, I had to crosscheck to make sure this was indeed Wayne Gretzky winery, it truly is a Great One!
My goal was to buy a great wine, and I appreciate the great assist from the wine rack staff. I plan on drinking this wine for at least the next twenty seasons of my life.
It's my MVP! (Most Valuable Provision!)
Helpful tips:
- Put it in the fridge not freezer to prevent icing
Anybody who doesn't like this wine is way offside! One sip of this wine and you'll never want to take an intermission from it again!
This wine will definitely make it to the cup.
A very easy drinking and well balanced red. The aroma is strong of fruit tones, mainly berries (red and black) and some plum. A slight smokey note, as well.
Read my full review at: